Practice Makes Perfect

 Year 3 & 4
Revision Courses

open to registered and external students

  • During the February Half Term, we run two essential Revision Courses.

    • Maths course covering all maths topics covered to date including problem solving - 2 hours.

    • English course covering comprehension, technical and creative skills - 2 hours.

    Maths : Friday 21st Feb 10 am - 12 pm £40

    English: Friday 21st 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm £40

    These revision courses are recommended to all children before they take our Year 4 Mid-Year Assessment.

  • We have a number of revision courses running throughout the summer holidays which aim to keep the momentum of progress going during the long school break. Children who continue to revise and improve those all-important foundation skills, return to school on the front foot.
